domingo, 21 de octubre de 2012

From a dream to a nightmare

   This film is one of the most exciting of action and suspense. This is about a girl who wanted to go on a trip with her best friend to France. Her father accepted her condition upset letting her go. When they arrived at the airport in Paris both met Peter who decided to share a cab and invited them to a party. Then, Kim found out that her best friend lied saying that their parents would be in the appartment with them. When Kim is talking to her dad on the phone saw that her best friend is being abducted by a stranger. Kim's father, Bryan, was a former CIA operative so he recorded all. Since then, began the process of searching for his daughter. This movie teaches us that we must be alert and malicious because not everyone is good in life. We have to go beyond, thinking about the consequences that can cause any decision that we take. We are surrounded by good people but also by bad people. Being kidnapped is quite difficult and sad not only for yourself also for your parents. Taken, shows what a father can make to save his daughter from danger. I recommend this film to all those teenagers and those parents because it opens our eyes to know that things have worsened and that the world isn't pink.

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